Wheelchairs Market is Witnessing Massive Surge with Major Industry Leaders Coming up with Innovative Products

People with morbidity or any sort of physical disability have always found it difficult in walking or moving from one place to another. Wheelchairs, which were invented in the early 20th century, have enabled people with physical morbidity a perfect option for mobility. Over the years, wheelchairs have evolved significantly were early models required manual strolling. Modern products are now equipped with electric motors and other features that make the wheelchair far more comfortable, efficient, and easier to use.
Wheelchairs are used mostly by people who are unable to get around on their own because of any physical or mental handicap. However, some of them are available for use by people of all ages. People who use wheelchairs are usually old or disabled people who cannot walk because of a physical defect or health problem. They are also useful for people who are disabled and cannot walk on their own. For this purpose, there are electric powered wheelchairs available in the market. These electric powered wheelchairs are usually used by people who have difficulty walking or cannot bend down due to some type of physical condition.
As mentioned before, wheelchairs have evolved over the years. Key manufacturers in the field of medical devices are introducing power wheelchairs with the ability of front-wheel drive power mobility. These wheelchairs can be maneuvered with a joystick fixed next to the armrest. The height of wheelchairs can be adjusted as per requirements as well as its speed. Some advanced products such as standing wheelchairs allowed individuals to rise to a standing position, enabling them to maintain great health, a sense of wellbeing, and also self-esteem. Major industry players in Germany, Mexico, and Japan are laying emphasis on continuous R&D activities to innovate new products. Recently, a Japanese manufacturer introduced a high-tech wheelchair that compensates for small surface changes and can make a 360-degree turn with a flick of a joystick-type lever.



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